Hyderabad: Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday starrer romantic drama Dream Girl 2 is inching close to surpass the Rs 70 crore mark at the box office. After witnessing a growth of 22.77% on Raksha Bandhan, the numbers slightly declined at the box office on day 7.
According to early estimates by industry tracker Sacnilk, Dream Girl 2 is likely to rake in Rs 6.50 crore nett in India on Thursday. At the end of the 7-day run in theaters, the film helmed by Raaj Shaandilya film is said to amass Rs 66 crore total in the domestic market. Meanwhile, the film enjoyed an overall occupancy of 12.01% in the Hindi market on August 31.
So far, Dream Girl 2 has managed to brave the strong Gadar 2 wave at the box office. Ayushmann and Ananya's film has an upheaval task ahead as superstar Shah Rukh Khan's action thriller Jawan will be released on September 7 amid rife anticipation. The momentum around Dream Girl 2 at the box office should increase over the weekend but still, the buzz in trade hints that crossing the Rs 100 crore mark seems far from achievable for the Ayushmann and Ananya starrer.
Also read:Dream Girl 2 box office collection: Ayushmann Khurrana starrer aims to cross Rs 60 cr mark on day 6
Made on a reported budget of Rs 35 crore, Dream Girl 2 turns out to be a successful release for Ayushmann and Ananya whose previous outings in An Action Hero and Liger, respectively, failed to impress audiences. Bankrolled by Ekta and Shobha Kapoor's Balaji Motion Pictures, Dream Girl 2 also features Paresh Rawal, Annu Kapoor, Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Raaz, and others in pivotal roles.