Hyderabad: Screen icons Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan recently wrapped up the Mumbai portion of their upcoming untitled film, produced by Lyca Productions. Helmed by TJ Gnanavel, this movie is billed to be an entertainer with a meaningful message. The two stalwarts, who last shared the screen in the 1991 film Hum, began shooting for this project on October 25. Sharing an update on the film, makers said that the upcoming film is going to be a 'double dose of legends' as it reunites two of the biggest stars of the Indian film industry.
The production team shared an update about the film, featuring a picture of Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth sharing a light-hearted moment on set in Mumbai. In the photo, Amitabh Bachchan is seated in a chair with a bandage on his right hand, and Rajinikanth appears to be enjoying what Amitabh Bachchan is showing him on his phone.
The official Lyca Productions page announced, "When Superstar and Shahenshah met on the sets of #Thalaivar170 🤩 Reunion on screens after 33 years! 🤗 #Thalaivar170 is gonna be double dose of legends! 💥 @rajinikanth @amitabhbachchan Done with MUMBAI Schedule 📍📽️✨."