Hyderabad: Actor Govinda recently faced a social media controversy when a tweet from his unverified Twitter account sparked outrage on the internet. The tweet, which was posted on August 2 and later deleted, addressed the issue of violence in Gurugram, Haryana.
In the tweet, Govinda appeared to express disappointment with individuals who engaged in violent actions, advocating for peace and unity instead. However, he promptly claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, leading to the controversial tweet, and he subsequently deactivated his Twitter account. This incident occurred against the backdrop of communal violence that had erupted in Nuh district, Haryana. Govinda's alleged tweet added fuel to the fire, drawing further attention to the ongoing turmoil.
The tweet quickly spread across social media platforms through screenshots and retweets, attracting criticism and trolling. To clear the air, Govinda took to Instagram to refute his involvement in the tweet. In a video, he strongly denied making the post and asserted that his Twitter account had been compromised. He vowed to file a formal complaint with the cyber-crime department, seeking a thorough investigation into the incident.
Amid the ongoing controversy, Govinda expressed concern that the timing of the tweet might be related to the upcoming election season. The 59-year-old actor speculated that some parties might have orchestrated the hack to associate him with a particular political group, potentially using it to manipulate public opinion. However, he emphasized that he has no interest in involving himself in politics and does not make contentious statements about any political party.
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