Hyderabad: Following the humungous success of RRR and its music, MM Keeravani needs no introduction. The Golden Globe winner will be walking the 95th Academy Awards red carpet with the RRR team as his creation Naatu Naatu from RRR is up for the Best Original Song honour at the esteemed award gala. Before the Oscars 2023 gets announced in a few hours, read on here for some interesting trivia about MM Keeravani, the man who is on the cusp of a world takeover as he is perceived to be winning the first Oscar for the country in original song vertical.
Everyone knows who Keervani is post-RRR, but his life before fame has seemingly made less to the headlines. And rightly so, as in the film industry, everything changes with a Friday. The pan-India success of his blockbuster collaborations like Magadheera, Baahubali franchise, and RRR with SS Rajamouli made Keeravani one of the most sought-after music directors in India. But it took him years of perseverance to clinch the fame that he now enjoys beyond South.
Though he is the son of renowned lyricist Koduri Shiva Shakti Datta, Keeravani did not find footing easily. Keeravani is said to have learned the ropes, from Telugu composer K. Chakravarthy and Malayalam composer C. Rajamani before starting out as an independent music composer. Keeravani is among those whose first films, unfortunately, did not see the day of light. After having an unreleased debut in Kalki, Keeravani's work in Manasu Mamatha brought him some recognition.