Hyderabad: Actors Ishaan Khatter and Sobhita Dhulipala set the ramp on fire as they turned showstoppers at the fashion show by renowned designers Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna during the ongoing India Couture Week. Actress Sobhita Dhulipala's ramp walk unequivocally demonstrated her status as the ultimate diva on the catwalk. She completely controlled the ramp overshadowing Ishaan Khatter who stood next to her waiting for her to look at him, but the actor had some other plans.
In the video of their ramp walk shared by a paparazzo account, Sobhita can be seen oozing oomph with her sizzling walk at the event on Saturday while dressed in shimmery attire. Though the two looked glamorous together, what caught the attention of the netizens was how Sobhita ignored Ishaan on the ramp. As soon as the video was uploaded, fans thronged to the comment section to express their opinion.
Reacting to the video, a fan wrote: "I will ignore my life problems as shobita ignored ishan😌🥺" Another one wrote: "Did he step on her dress?😂😂 she looks angry 😂😂" Another social media user commented: "I think sobhita not only Are the look but also Ishaan Khatter, he looked like a nobody." And she didn't even give a # to look at him when they posed together," commented another.