Mumbai: The grand launch of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai is over but the inside pictures and videos from the star-studded affair are still surfacing online. A video of VJ and actress Anusha Dandekar meeting Gauri Khan and her daughter Suhana has been doing the rounds on the internet for all the wrong reasons.
The video shows Anusha convincing the mother-daughter duo for a byte. However, Gauri seemingly refused Anusha to take Suhana's interview. The particular moment was caught on camera. A section of social media users trolled Anusha as they felt Gauri and Suhana ignored her. Some slammed her for forcing Gauri and Suhana to give interviews.
"Kya gazab bezati hai yaar," a social media user wrote. "Anusha wants to use SRK family to get into the limelight," another one wrote. After facing backlash, Anusha took to Instagram and hit back at the trolls. "This constant controversy you are trying to create just because you want to be haters and because you are so called fans of people who weren't at this event, you want to try and make sure I somehow come out looking bad, well sorry I can't be part of your plan," she wrote.