Hyderabad: The trailer of the eagerly awaited movie Dhak Dhak has finally been unveiled by the makers on Monday. Directed by Tarun Dudeja, the film is all set to hit the silver screens on October 13 of this year. The movie features Fatima Sana Shaikh, Ratna Pathak Shah, Dia Mirza, and Sanjana Sanghi in the key roles.
Dhak Dhak is produced by Viacom 18 in collaboration with Pranjal Khandhdiya's Outsider Films, in association with BLM Pictures. The film's narrative centres around four ordinary women from different walks of life who come together on a bike trip from Delhi to Khardung La for an extraordinary journey of emotions, adventures, and self-discovery. The movie explores how this journey altered their destinies forever.
Sharing the trailer on Instagram, Fatima wrote: "Sometimes, taking a chance is all you need to do, to live your dreams. Here’s our epic adventure to Khardung La ⛰️ #DhakDhak trailer out NOW. In cinemas 13th October." As soon as the actor dropped the post, netizens rushed tot he comment section to pour their love on the trailer. Acclaimed film director of Chhichhore fame commented: "Very nice." Comparing the recently released all female lead film Thank You For Coming with this female centric film, a social media user wrote: "This is what feminism means not like the 🤮🤮🤮movie thanks for coming thank you @sanjanasanghi96 @fatimasanashaikh @diamirzaofficial fir providing a beautiful topic and cinema."