Hyderabad: Just like Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone's look left everyone in awe at the ongoing Paris Fashion Week 2023 (PFW). Deepika donned a leather stud-button coat from Louis Vuitton at the PFW. She took to Instagram and posted a picture showing off a glimpse of her goth-inspired look.
Deepika can be seen striking a fashionable pose in the picture. She enhanced her outfit by toting a stylish black bag. She wore the coat with lace-up stockings and black long boots. She chose to wear her hair in waves, and her kohl-rimmed eyes absolutely caught everyone's attention. In response to her picture, actor Ridhima Pandit commented, "Mannn" with fire emojis.
Deepika's look received acclaim from her fans as well. "My Queen," wrote a fan. "You rule," another commented. Commenting on her style and dress sense, a user wrote, "100% slayed Deepu. Thanks for getting out of your big gowns and ghagra choli era." "I love your dress and your fashion," another social media user commented.