Mumbai (Maharashtra): All is well between Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. The power couple on Friday put the separation rumours to an end with their flirty chat on Instagram. Reports went viral claiming that there was trouble in Deepika and Ranveer’s paradise. The couple never addresses such claims directly and as always took to social media to end to the split speculations.
On Friday evening, Ranveer took to social media and shared pictures of his hot pink look avatar. In the images, Ranveer is seen sporting an all-pink look. From pants to shirt, shoes and shades, Ranveer was dressed in pink from head to toe. Ranveer's photos have garnered several reactions. His wife also dropped a comment. "Edible," she wrote. Ranveer replied to Deepika with a kiss emoji.
Ranveer and Deepika tied the knot on November 14, 2018 after dating for six years. Unfortunately, several reports went viral recently, claiming that the two have reached a rough patch in their relationship. With Deepika and Ranveer's Instagram comments, it's safe to say that those reports were just rumours.