Hyderabad: Bollywood is set to witness one of its most significant years in 2024 with the release of several highly anticipated films. Among them, Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles, will mark India's first-ever film showcasing aerial stunts. In a promotional move, Deepika Padukone took to social media on Thursday and dropped a video where she called for a potential 'wingman' to join her on this thrilling adventure.
Sharing a video message on Instagram, Deepika emphasised that anything is possible in life and battles, but with a reliable 'wingman', one can fly with confidence. She is on a quest to find that one fighter, who can be her trusted companion. "Main doondh rahi hoon aise hi ek fighter ko who can be my wingman. Agar aap mein hai who baat… chat with me now," she says in the video.
Accompanying the post with a caption, Deepika wrote, "Psst! Patty and Minni are looking for a Wingman! Kya aap main hai woh baat? Here’s your chance to put your skills to test! (Link in Story) #FighterOn25thJan #Fighter (sic)."