Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and the reigning queen Deepika Padukone's latest release Pathaan roared at the box office — and how! But as it's known, the period before Pathaan reached the audience was chaotic. The Besharam Rang song release triggered controversy which reverberated in Parliament and in the streets of several states calling for "Boycott Pathaan." While film's director Siddharth Anand earlier admitted that the controversy surrounding Pathaan did add to the pre-release anxiety but the leading pair of the film was apparently unfazed.
Deepika is no novice when it comes to facing uncalled-for criticism, and boycott calls. Her 2018 release film Padmaavat had seen the worst while her debut production Chhapaak too faced boycott calls after Deepika visited Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to express solidarity with students who were attacked by a mob in 2020.