Mumbai:Deepika Padukone is all set to treat her fans with her hot avatar in Pathaan's first song Besharam Rang. As Besharam Rang will be unveiled on December 12, Deepika, on Friday, shared a glimpse of her look from the track. She looks gorgeous in the look but her golden monokini reminded netizens of the ultimate Desi Girl, Priyanka Chopra.
In Besharam Rang's poster, Deepika looks stunning as ever as she poses in golden swimwear. As per the makers, the song is supposedly set to present Deepika in her hottest best and showcase the breathtaking chemistry between her and superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
The first look of Besharam Rang, however, took netizens back in 2008. Soon after Deepika's first look on golden monokini came out, netizens took to social media to share PeeCee's look from Dostana's song Jaane Kyun. In one of the sequences in the song, Priyanka is seen donning a golden cut-out monokini as she walks on the beach and leaving co-stars John Abraham and Abhishek Bachchan gasping for air.