Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, who got married in 2018, are set to make their much-awaited appearance on Karan Johar's famous talk show, Koffee With Karan 8. This season's first episode featuring the couple will be aired at midnight on Thursday. Fans are eagerly anticipating their playful interaction on the show. And now on Wednesday, Deepika took to her social media handle to share some breathtaking photos with Ranveer, leaving everyone mesmerized.
The shared pictures on Instagram show Deepika and Ranveer close to one another, with their eyes closed and their noses touching affectionately while they relish the moment. In another picture, they share a joyful laugh, holding each other tenderly. Ranveer looks dapper in black satin separates adorned with a scarf detail around his neck, while Deepika exudes glamour in a black bodycon tea-length dress featuring strategic cutouts. She completed her look with beachy wavy hair and minimal jewelry. The Om Shanti Om actor tagged her beloved husband Ranveer in the caption, along with a coffee cup emoji, hinting at the upcoming episode.