New Delhi: After focusing the last 35 years of his life on work, Bollywood star Aamir Khan said it is time he took some time off, maybe "a year and a half", to prioritise his family over his career in films. The actor said he was supposed to start preparing for a film called "Champions" following the August 11 release of "Laal Singh Chaddha". The official Hindi adaptation of the Hollywood classic "Forrest Gump", "Laal Singh Chaddha" opened to mixed reviews and poor box office collections. "When I am doing a film as an actor, I get so lost in that and nothing else happens in my life. Which is why I decided to take a break."
"I was supposed to do a film called 'Champions' after 'Laal Singh...' It's a wonderful script, a beautiful story. It's a very heartwarming and lovely film but I feel like I want to take a break. I want to be with my family, with my mom, with my kids," Aamir said. The actor, who was recently in the capital, was speaking at a chat session at his childhood friend's event.
His "single-minded" focus on his career has neither been fair to him nor his loved ones, he added. Recently, Aamir's mother Zeenat Hussain was admitted to a Mumbai hospital after reportedly suffering a heart attack last month. "I feel like I have been working for 35 years and I feel I have been single-mindedly focused on my work... And I feel it's not fair to the people who are close to me. It's not fair to me also in many ways. This is the time for me... to experience life in a different way," the 57-year-old star said.