Hyderabad:On Monday, Chiranjeevi shared an epic family photo to commemorate Makar Sankranti. The photo also shows Ram Charan's youngest daughter Klin Kaara Konidela dressed in red ethnic garb, although her face is obscured by a heart emoji. The frame features Ram Charan and his wife Upasana, Allu Arjun and his wife Sneha Reddy, Varun Tej, and Lavanya Tripathi.
Chiranjeevi posted his entire family, all dressed in red sarees for women and kurta-pyjamas for men to celebrate the occasion in Bengaluru. Chiranjeevi shared the photo on Twitter, writing in Telugu, "This Sankranti of dairy crops and Bhoga Bhagya. Happy Sankranti to everybody, and may everyone reap a harvest of happiness in their homes!"
Chiranjeevi is seen in the centre, posing with his arm around his wife Surekha, who is wearing a checkered red saree. Ram Charan is shown seated next to Upasana, with daughter Klin Kaara sitting on his lap. The toddler appears to be twinning with her mother in a polka-dotted red ethnic costume.
Allu Arjun is seen laughing while seated on the slight right in a beige kurta, while his wife Sneha is wearing a crimson saree with a large golden border. Varun Tej is dressed in a purple kurta, while Lavanya wears a basic red saree. Rhyme, Ram Charan's dog, can also be seen in the bottom left photo.
Fans praised the Konidela family, but many inquired about Pawan Kalyan, who did not attend the festivities owing to political obligations. Earlier on Sunday, Upasana Konidela shared photos from their family's Sankranthi celebration on Instagram Stories. Ram Charan was spotted flipping dosas like a pro in one of the videos. In another, Ram Charan's mother, Surekha, was seen playing with Klin Kaara. She was also spotted preparing dosas.
Ram Charan is preparing for the debut of filmmaker Shankar's forthcoming action thriller Game Changer, which stars Kiara Advani. The film is slated as an action drama with contemporary politics and will be distributed in three languages: Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is now working on Pushpa: The Rule, one of the most anticipated films of the year.