Hyderabad: The Buckingham Murders, starring Kareena Kapoor Khan, had its world premiere on October 14 at the BFI London Film Festival and will have a second premiere on October 15 too. The actor took to her official Instagram handle and posted a touching message while sharing snippets of her role as Jasmeet Bhamra in the show. The The Hansal Mehta directorial is jointly written by Aseem Arora, Raghav Raj Kakker, and Kashyap Kapoor.
Kareena Kapoor Khan released a number of images on her Instagram account on October 15 in which she is portrayed as Jasmeet Bhamra in Hansal Mehta's The Buckingham Murders. "Jas Bhamra... Jas was a character I have been waiting to play for the last 23 years, being a huge fan of the detective series genre," she wrote alonside the photos, adding that she yearned to be that detective woman after watching everything from Karamchand to Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect to Agatha Christie in Hercule Poirot to Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown.
Shedding light on how she connected with the character, she added: "On a 25-page synopsis given to me by Hansal and Ekta, I started reading it at 1 a.m., and I knew I had found the woman I wanted to be…Ekta, Hansal and I set off on this journey to make a slightly unconventional film, but a film that is with heart, a bit of a smile, and, oh my god, lots of tears..."