Hyderabad: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has unveiled a romantic ballad Chaleya from his upcoming action-packed thriller, Jawan. The eagerly anticipated second song from the film was shared on social media by the charismatic actor himself. This track, a harmonious blend of emotions and rhythm, is set to be released in three languages, with the Hindi version being aptly named Chaleya and the others as Chalona and Hayyoda.
In Chaleya song, SRK effortlessly showcases his dance prowess while adorned in casual attire. The release of song instantly triggered an outpouring of love from fans who inundated the comment section with heart emojis and fire symbols, underscoring their enduring adoration for the iconic star. Excitement was palpable as comments like "SRK Forever King" and "SRK's romantic era is back" reverberated through the social media platforms.
The latest melody carries the enchanting vocals of Arijit Singh and Shilpa Rao, a perfect harmony that tugs at heartstrings. The choreography, deftly handled by the renowned Farah Khan, adds an extra layer of appeal to the song's visual allure. Penned by Kumaar, the lyrics embody the essence of romance, encapsulating the chemistry between SRK and Nayanthara.