Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Rio Kapadia, known for films such as Chak De India, Happy New Year, and Mardaani, died on Thursday. Kapadia, who played Mrunal Thakur's father in the Amazon Prime Video series Made in Heaven Season 2, died on September 14 after a long battle with cancer. He was 66. The actor's funeral will take place on Friday in Goregaon, Mumbai.
Faisal Malik, a friend of his, confirmed his demise. He is survived by his wife, Maria Farah, and their two children, Aman and Veer. The actor was diagnosed with cancer last year.
Rio has appeared in a number of films, including Khuda Haafiz, The Big Bull, Agent Vinod, and others. He was most recently featured in an episode of the Amazon Prime Video series Made in Heaven Season 2. Apart from Hindi films, the actor was a familiar figure on television, where he appeared in shows such as Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke and Siddharth Tewary's Mahabharat, where he played Gandhari's father, King Subala of Gandhara.