Hyderabad: Bollywood actor and former Femina Miss India winner Celina Jaitly took to her social media handle and posted a hilarious video to bridge the gap between her fans and herself. In the video, the actor can be seen reacting to a man who is asking her out on a date, but at the same time, he also adds that if he makes any mistake she should forgive him like a younger brother. The reel is very popular on Instagram and has been created by many users. The actor linked it to her life with her husband Peter Haag and three kids.
Sharing the reel, she captioned it as: "When you finally find the opportunity for DATE NIGHT with husband after having two sets of twins… #relationshipmemes #husbandwifejokes #hindicomedy #funny #hindimemes." Originally posted on Instagram in March, the video shows Celina getting ready for a date in black casuals and a matching jacket. She reacts in shock when the man tells in Hindi, "Ja hamai pahli date hai. Agar kachu galti ho jaye to chhota bhai samajh ke maaf kardio (This is my first date. If I make any mistake, please forgive me like a younger brother)."