Hyderabad: Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, will be released in less than two weeks. The buzz surrounding the film is quite evident as it prepares for a worldwide release on September 7. The much-anticipated pre-release event is just hours away, but here are a few updates and the rundown on the unprecedented expectation that has been generated around the film by fans and makers.
The Atlee-directed film was originally set for release on June 2, but was moved back to September. Before the film's crew and the superstar engage with fans at the pre-release event, here's a look at the buzz surrounding the film and the trailer. Ahead of the grand pre-release event, the buzz around the film is at an all-time high with fans flouting #ShahRukhKhan #SRK #JawanPreReleaseEvent hashtags on Twitter and sharing pictures of ongoing preparations from the event.
Taking to twitter, the mass entertainer's director Atlee shared a poster and asked netizens if they were prepared for the event. The post became viral in a matter of seconds drawing attention of social media users. The hype around Shah Rukh Khan's massy action entertainer took over the Internet as Jawan became one of the most trending topics in India after the announcement of the pre-release event.