Hyderabad:In a big reveal, the upcoming original series Call Me Bae from streaming service Prime Video will star actor Ananya Panday. Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan took to his Instagram account to share the news that Ananya will be playing the titular role in the comedy series. The Sui Dhaga actor informed his fans sharing a humorous video with Ananya Panday.
In the video, Panday is seen embracing her inner fashionista as she instructs Dhawan on the finer points of couture and fashion. 'Guys, welcome to the prime verse's newest fashionista: @ananyapanday! New Series #CallMeBae is currently being filmed!' Dhawan captioned the video.
In the introductory video, the Gehraiyaan actor is seen mouthing Miranda Priestly's monologue from The devil wears Prada. Reacting to the funny video uploaded by Varun, fans thronged to the comment section to share their views and excitement. For the fresh pairing, a social media user commented: "Best Duo, Ananya & Varun Dhawan." Another one wrote: "Love the devil wears prada reference."