Mumbai (Maharashtra): Brahmastra has raised Rs 75 crore in gross box office collection worldwide on its opening day, the makers said on Saturday. Billed as a trilogy, the first installment of the big-budget fantasy adventure epic starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Amitabh Bachchan was released on Friday.
"Brahmastra Part One: Shiva has delivered a massive opening day of Rs. 75 crore (GBOC), igniting celebrations across the country, the film industry, theatre owners and audiences, with the weekend total expected to be huge!" according to a note shared by production banners Star Studios and Dharma Productions.
While the movie has received mixed reviews from critics for its story and dialogues, many praised director Ayan Mukerji's larger-than-life vision of Astraverse which blends Hindu mythology with elements of fantasy, something on par with VFX-dominated Hollywood superhero film franchises.