Hyderabad: The Bombay High Court directed Nawazuddin Siddiqui and his family members to appear before the High Court on April 3. The court directed Nawaz along with his wife Aaliya Siddiqui, two minor children and brother Shamasuddin Siddiqui to appear before the court and present their case. The HC asked the actor and his ex-wife to appear before it to explore the possibility of settling their issues amicably for the sake of the children.
This comes after Nawazuddin Siddiqui filed a defamation suit for Rs 100 crore in the Bombay High Court. The claim was against his estranged wife Anjana Pandey alias Aaliya and his brother Shamasuddin Siddiqui. The actor claimed that his wife had brought the children from Dubai to India without notifying him and that this was harming their education because they were not attending school.