Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Bobby Deol shared some surprising details about the climactic action scene in his latest movie Animal. In the film, Bobby's character Abrar engages in a shirtless fight on an airstrip with Ranbir Kapoor's character Ranvijay. Recently, in an interview, Bobby admitted that there exists a love-hate dynamic between the two characters, which is reflected in certain artistic choices made by director Sandeep Reddy Vanga.
Bobby also disclosed a pivotal moment in the film that the director had removed from the theatrical version but might include in the Netflix release. The actor recalled Sandeep's description of Abrar, where he said two brothers want to kill each other, yet there remains a love that binds them. "I (Sandeep) am going to shoot the climax sequence with a background song that conveys this love," said Bobby.
The actor revealed that there was originally a scene featuring a kiss between the two characters. He explained, "He (Sandeep) said, 'You're fighting and suddenly kiss him, and then you don't give up, and in the end, he kills you.' However, the kiss was later removed. I think it might be included in the uncut Netflix version. After sharing all this, he told me, 'You are mute.'"