Mumbai: Bollywood actor Bipasha Basu often treats her fans with cute and adorable pictures and videos of her daughter on her social media handle. Her Instagram feed is flooded with lovely posts of her and husband Karan Singh Grover's daughter Devi. On Monday, Bipasha once again left fans in awe by sharing a super cute video of her little one. The Instagram clip shows Devi playing with a ball. However, her face is not visible.
Sharing the video on her Instagram account, the actor wrote in the caption, "Natural Athlete #loveyourself #likemamapapa #devibasusinghgrover." In the video too, she wrote a text that read, "Devi's morning exercise drills!!! Loves to exercise just like her ma and papa".
As soon as she shared the video, her fans flocked to the comment section and showered the post with red heart emojis. A fan wrote, "Awwww soooooo cute. Little cutiepie doll Devi. She is xerox copy of her Dad and Mom @iamksgofficial and @bipashabasu 🧿🧸🧁👶😍💖😘😘😘❤❤❤." Another wrote, "Sooo sooo sooo cuteeeee @bipashabasu @iamksgofficial 🧿🧿🧿."