Hyderabad: Bollywood couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are one of the most adored couples in town. The duo never stops serving up relationship goals and taking over social media with their mushy PDA. The Dhoom 2 actor on Sunday night dropped a lovely video on her social media handle to offer a glimpse of her seventh wedding anniversary. Bipasha and Karan fell in love with each other on the sets of their 2015 horror movie Alone and tied the knot on April 30, 2016. The couple welcomed their first baby girl Devi in November 2022.
Sharing the video on her Instagram account, Bipasha wrote, "7 beautiful years together as husband and wife ❤️🧿 Happy Anniversary my love ❤️ #monkeylove #monkeyversary #brunch #settemara #stregismumbai #mybestfriend." In the video, Bipasha and Karan could be seen twinning in casual black outfits. The couple could be seen dancing at the beginning of the video and then cutting their anniversary cake. They were also seen feeding the mouthwatering mango cake to each other.