Hyderabad: Actor Bipasha Basu recently shared a heart-wrenching and emotional journey of motherhood during a candid conversation with actor Neha Dhupia on Instagram Live. The revelation centered around her and husband Karan Singh Grover's daughter, Devi Basu Singh Grover, who was born with a challenging health condition.
Devi's birth on November 12, 2022, was a moment of immense joy for Bipasha and Karan. However, they soon discovered that their baby girl had been born with a ventricular septal defect (VSD), which means she had two holes in her heart. The couple kept the news private initially, grappling with the weight of the diagnosis and the uncertainty that lay ahead.
Bipasha opened up about the emotional rollercoaster they went through, trying to understand the complexities of their daughter's condition. She expressed gratitude to the mothers who helped her through this tough journey, emphasizing that it was a challenging experience she wouldn't wish upon any parent.
The first five months of Devi's life were marked by worry and anxiety for the parents. Doctors advised monitoring the condition each month, hoping it would heal naturally. However, the holes in Devi's heart were large, raising doubts about the possibility of spontaneous healing. As the months passed without improvement, the couple had to prepare for the possibility of surgery.