Mumbai (Maharashtra): Filmmakers Vinod Bhanushali and Sandeep Singh have come together to bring on-screen the life of late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The biopic is titled Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon, Yeh Desh Rehna Chahiye - ATAL. The film is an adaptation of the book The Untold Vajpayee: Politician and Paradox by renowned author Ullekh N.P.
Talking about the film, Vinod said, "I have been a great fan of Atalji all my life. A born leader, a statesman par excellence, a visionary. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji was all the above. His contribution to our nation-building is unparalleled, and it is our great honour that Bhanushali Studios Ltd is bringing his legacy to the silver screen."
Adding to that Sandeep Singh shared, "Being a filmmaker, I feel that cinema is the best medium to communicate such untold stories, that will unveil not only his political ideologies, but his humane and poetic aspects, that made him the most loved leader of the opposition as well as India's most progressive Prime Minister."