Hyderabad: Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde are back with a brand-new song Billi Billi Akh from their upcoming family drama Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. Taking to Instagram, Salman treated fans with the release of the song titled 'Billi Billi', posting in the caption, "Hope this song makes u smile, dance n gives out positive energy.. #BilliBilli."
Salman looks handsome in the video while dancing with Pooja Hegde, who is dressed elegantly in red. Fans swamped the comment area with red heart and fire emoticons as soon as the actor released the video. The song has upbeat Punjabi music with a fusion of modern flair. Known as the Prince of Bhangra, Punjabi singer Sukhbir is behind the track Billi Billi Akh.
One of the fans commented, "Chartbuster Song." Another fan commented, "Aag lga di bhai song ne to." Recently, the makers unveiled the first song of the film 'Naiyo Lagda,' which received massive responses from the fans. Talking about how the 'billi billi akh' song came into being, Punjabi singer Sukhbir revealed that Salman came up with the idea for a wedding song and discussed him while the two were in Abu Dhabi.
Directed by Farhad Samji, 'Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan' has a star cast comprising Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh Daggubati, Jagapathi Babu, Bhumika Chawla, Vijender Singh, Abhimanyu Singh, Raghav Juyal and others. In addition, Salman has the upcoming film "Tiger 3" starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. Shah Rukh Khan will appear in Tiger 3 in a very special cameo.
Also read:Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan song Naiyo Lagda teaser: Salman Khan-Pooja Hegde build up mood ahead of Valentine's Day