Hyderabad: Bigg Boss OTT 2 is becoming more intriguing by the day. We saw two wildcard contestants join the house on the July 13 episode of the reality show. Aashika Bhatia and Elvish Yadav were first declared as the judges of the captaincy task between Avinash Sachdev and Manisha Rani and then introduced in the show as wildcard entries. Meanwhile, Manisha Rani was elected the new captain of the house.
Manisha defeats Avinash in captaincy task
Bigg Boss summoned Avinash and Manisha to the activity room for the captaincy task, instructing the remaining housemates to remain in the living area. In the activity area, Manisha and Avinash met Elvish Yadav and Aashika Bhatia. Elvish and Aashika were tasked with judging Avinash and Manisha, who had to comment on photographs on social media.
After the task was over, Bigg Boss asked Elvish and Aashika who they thought was the best. Both agreed that Manisha's captions were funnier. Bigg Boss congratulated Manisha on being the new captain of the house.