Hyderabad: Bigg Boss 17 premiered on Sunday, October 15, 2023, with Salman Khan hosting the grand premiere. This season of Bigg Boss has an interesting list of 17 contestants including Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Mannara Chopra, Aishwarya Sharma, Neil Bhat, Isha Malviya, Navid Sole, Anurag Dobhal, Sana Raees Khan, Jigna Vora, Soniya Bansal, Khanzaadi, Sunny Arya, Rinku Dhawan, Arun Mashettey, and Abhishek Kumar.
Bigg Boss 17 is focused on the subject of Dil, Dimaag, and Dum and the BB house has been divided into three sections based on the said theme. Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain and Aishwarya Sharma and Neil Bhat entered the house as celebrity couples.
On the first day of Bigg Boss 17, rumoured ex-couple Abhishek Kumar and Isha Malviya sparked a commotion by arguing both on stage and in the house. The other contenders were perplexed by their shifting dynamics. Meanwhile, Abhishek revealed that Tehalka Bhai, another candidate, had approached him before the show to build an alliance. Isha was taken aback by the revelation. However, Abhishek declined the offer, and they laughed it off.
Mannara Chopra sees a good friend in Munawar Faruqui
Munawar and Mannara were observed making fun of one another. It appears that the two are building a cute friendship. Mannara and Faruqui get along really well and we can sense a nice friendship building.
Bigg Boss reveals his bias nature this season
Bigg Boss has said that he will be biassed in the show. He stated that he will be biassed towards contestants who will perform well on the show and will not care about those who will not contribute to the show.