Mumbai (Maharashtra): Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Monday said he was extremely proud as his grandson Agastya Nanda began filming for the Netflix live-action musical film The Archies, which marks his screen debut. Son of Shweta Bachchan Nanda and businessman Nikhil Nanda, Agastya reportedly features in the Zoya Akhtar directorial as the beloved comic book character Archie Andrews.
Bachchan took to Twitter and shared a tweet by a fan, which had pictures of Agastya and the other two star kids set to make their debut with the film- Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan and Sridevi's younger daughter Khushi Kapoor. "Agastya... A new chapter begins in your life and there cannot be greater joy among us all. My blessings my love and my wishes ever .. Do well .. and keep the flag flying," the 79-year-old wrote.