Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday said the stage is desolated by the absence of artists of huge merit like Vikram Gokhale and Tabassum. Gokhale, known for several Marathi and Hindi films including the Bachchan-starrer Agneepath (1990), passed away on Saturday due to multi-organ failure at a Pune-based hospital where he was undergoing treatment. He was 77.
Tabassum, known for her work as a child artiste in several Hindi classics such as Baiju Bawra and Mughal-e-Azam, and also as host of popular Doordarshan talk show Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan, died last week following cardiac arrest. She was 78.
Bachchan took to his blog to remember Gokhale and Tabassum. "The days are lined with sadness.. friends and colleagues.. artists of huge merit, leave us day by day.. and we listen, see and pray.. Tabassum .. Vikram Gokhle and some dear ones that are close and known .."