Hyderabad: Bhumi Pednekar is currently enjoying the success of her most recent film, Thank You for Coming, which has been getting rave reviews from viewers. Apart from her, Shehnaaz Gill, Dolly Singh, Shibani Bedi, and Kusha Kapila are among the film's all-female cast members, and it appears that the women had a great time filming the movie together. However, in a recent interview, Bhumi discussed the differences between working with an all-female cast and films with male co-stars.
Bhumi Pednekaracknowledged in an interview that when she appeared in films with male co-stars, she often feels like number two. Bhumi said, "There is just no insecurity here!" when asked how unusual it is to work with an all-female cast. She continued by saying that in earlier films, there was always a sense that the male co-stars were better. "You can be anywhere and do anything, yet I've always felt inferior. On Thank You for Coming, we are all on same footing, which has never been the case (with the male lead)," Bhumi remarked.
According to her, she felt protected and secure and was not made to feel terrible for responding to additional questions. She claimed that all the females had a place to talk, support one another, laugh, weep, and let down their shields on the Thank You For Coming set. "Right now, I'm really just trying to survive, and I appreciate these women's support so much. Since we are currently concentrating all of our efforts on encouraging people to view the movie, I sincerely hope that I may be a support to them as well. We want this to grow into a movement," Bhumi said.
The film Thank You For Coming explores topics including female companionship, being a single woman, love, and pleasure seeking. The movie, which released in theatres on October 6, is helmed by Balaji Telefilms Limited and Anil Kapoor Film Communication Network Pvt. Ltd, and directed by Karan Boolani and written by Radhika Anand and Prashasti Singh.
Also read:Thank You For Coming X review: Bhumi Pednekar, Shehnaaz Gill's sex comedy wins audiences' hearts