Mumbai: Trailer of Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar starrer Bheed is out now. The makers of the upcoming social drama unveiled the trailer on Friday morning on social media. Helmed by Anubhav Sinha, Bheed documents the dark lockdown phase in the country during COVID times.
Two minutes and 39 seconds long trailer shows how the lockdown led to a migrant exodus that was perhaps the largest movement of people since Partition. Going by Bheed trailer, the film seemingly attempts to capture the social disparity during challenging times. The trailer suggests that the film is about those whose lives changed in a snap as there remained no sense of home. Neither in the migrated state nor in the native.
Bheed has been garnering mixed responses ever since the film's teaser launched. While many are accusing Anubhav of churning out a propaganda film, others are lauding his courage to make such a film which is not flavour of the season. The filmmaker, who has been critical of the government on many issues, describes himself as a "liberal." After the Bheed trailer release, the film is perceived to be made with left-wing tinted glasses, at least the buzz on social media hints so.