Hyderabad: The makers of the upcoming criminal thriller film Bhakshak released the official teaser on Thursday. Bhakshak stars Bhumi Pednekar, Sanjay Mishra, Aditya Srivastava, and Sai Tamhankar in key roles. The film will be available for streaming on Netflix's OTT platform from February 9.
Producer Gauri Khan shared the teaser of Bhakshak on Instagram with the caption, "A fearless journalist on a mission to uncover the truth against all odds. #Bhakshak, inspired by genuine events, will be available exclusively on Netflix on February 9th." Soon after Gauri posted about the teaser, her friends and admirers flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons.
Reacting to the teaser, a user wrote: "This looks very good 😳 #Bhakshak on Netflix — #BhumiPednekar is on a roll after the incredible #Afwaah last year …and also the *entertaining* #ThankYouForComing." Another one wrote: "#Bhakshak looks very interesting 🍿😎💥 #BhumiPednekar #SanjayMishra #SaiTamhankar"