Hyderabad: The highly anticipated film Thank You For Coming is all set to make its entry to the theatres this weekend. The film helmed by Karan Boolani stars Bhumi Pednekar, Shehnaaz Gill, Dolly Singh, Kusha Kapila, and Shibani Bedi in key roles. On Tuesday night, a special screening of the film was held in Mumbai with many popular celebs in attendance. Punjabi singer Guru Randhawa was among the celebs who attended the starry affair.
In a video dropped by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Guru Randhawa could be seen arriving at the film's screening in style. He was pictured with Shenaaz Gill as they shared a hug at the venue. Both of them smiled and posed for the shutterbugs. For the event, Shenaaz opted for a gorgeous red dress with matching drop earrings. She wore silver heels that added glam to her look. Guru Randhawa, on the other hand, looked dapper in a black hoodie paired with matching pants and white sneakers.