Mumbai: In the upcoming Shukravaar Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 16, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan will be seen having fun with actors Kiara Advani and Vicky Kaushal. The episode featuring Vicky and Kiara will be a fun-filled entertainer if the promo of the show featuring Vicky and Kiara is anything to go by.
Salman, who earlier hosted Katrina Kaif on the show, will now be seen inviting Vicky and Kiara onto the stage of Bigg Boss 16. Vicky and Kiara's visit to Bigg Boss 16 sets is part of the promotions of their latest release Govinda Naam Mera. In the short video clip, Salman, Kiara and Vicky will be seen dancing on foot tapping track from Govinda Naam Mera.
In Govinda Naam Mera, Vicky plays a choreographer who is married but is still romantically involved with his girlfriend played by Kiara. Taking inspiration film's plot, Salman gives a situation to Vicky and Kiara to enact. The situation is Vicky and Kiara are dancing on the terrace and get caught by his "wife."