Hyderabad: Barbie featuring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling and others managed to surprise the Indian audiences as well as the distributors as the movie managed to collect a whopping Rs 5 crores at the Indian box office on Day 1. The collection is surprising as Barbie is battling with the unstoppable force i.e. Oppenheimer, and also the Tom Cruise hit Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1. The movie ranks second at the box office in terms of preferences behind Oppenheimer and ahead of MI7. Reports suggest that the movie might collect a total of Rs 17 crores over the opening weekend, as its shows might increase.
The Greta Gerwig directorial has surpassed expectations in terms of box office draw in India. Barbie benefitted from the clubbed promotions with the Christopher Nolan directorial Oppenheimer. Trade experts predict that Barbie will manage to collect over $300 million in its first weekend across the globe. The number of screens that the movie managed to gather should help it sustain over the weekdays as well. But, the weekend collections might be enough for the Greta Gerwig directorial to break even, which is a very rare phenomenon for tentpole films such as Barbie.