Hyderabad: Hollywood's largest box office clash of the year took place on July 21 as Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer and Greta Gerwig's Barbie were released simultaneously. Both films have received good reviews from the audience across the world and are doing great at the box office as well. However, at the box office in India, Oppenheimer is performing better than Barbie and the difference is quite huge. On Day 11 at the Indian box office, Barbie reportedly gathered less than Oppenheimer according to early trade estimates.
According to a report on Sacnilk.com, Margot Robbie-Ryan Gosling starrer Barbie earned about Rs 85 lakh on Monday as per early estimates. Currently, the movie stands at a total collection of Rs 36.10 crore in India. The movie's overall occupancy was 16.50% on Monday. On the other hand, Cillian Murphy starrer Oppenheimer was able to bring in Rs 3 crore on Day 11. Oppenheimer has now made a total of Rs 95.15 crore at the box office, and it will shortly join the Rs 100 crore club.