Hyderabad: Kangana Ranaut was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday. The actor is known for having candid chit-chat with paparazzi and was seemingly in a mood to have a conversation with the media stationed outside the airport. The paps, however, had nothing to ask the actor who was apparently willing to speak about the ongoing brouhaha over Priyanka Chopra's overseas interview with American American actor and podcast host Dax Randall.
Aftershocks of Priyanka's latest interview are felt back home as several celebrities opened up about the existence of power play, and groupism in Bollywood. In the podcast, Priyanka spoke about how a decade-old "beef with people" in Bollywood propelled her to turn to the west for opportunities as she was feeling "cornered." PeeCee is lauded for speaking up by celebrities like Kangana, Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, Apurva Asrani, and Amaal Mallik who also underlined the menace in the Hindi film industry.
Kangana was among the firsts to react to Priyanka's interview and slammed Karan Johar for "bullying" the Desi Girl over her "friendship" with Shah Rukh Khan. When she was spotted at the airport, the actor seemingly thought that the paps, as usual, will bombard her with questions about the ongoing controversy. To her surprise, they had nothing to ask except to request pictures.