Mumbai: Late actor Irrfan Khan's son Babil on Tuesday said though the thought of starting his film career and living up to the name of his father would scare him initially, he has learnt to put his fear to good use. At the trailer launch event of his debut film "Qala", the newcomer said he wants to try his hand at all kinds of movies and characters.
"We have this illusion, we think we are in control of our journey (but) we are not. I will improvise with what life throws at me. I want to explore everything, I want to do all kinds of films and play all kinds of characters," Babil told reporters here.
The actor admitted that there is a certain pressure on him but he has focussed all his energies on giving his best. "There is a lot of pressure. Two years ago, when we were shooting, at that time also the pressure was there. It would affect me, it would scare me but now it motivates me to do better work. The definition of pressure has changed now," Babil added.
Babil's father Irrfan Khan was one of India's finest and most versatile actors. The actor passed away at the age of 54 in 2020, two years after he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. On being asked what are the qualities of Irrfan Khan that he would like to have as he starts his innings in Hindi film industry, he said, "Mere father ki jo khubiya thi woh leke chale gaye. Ab mein apni khubiya explore karunga (The qualities that my father possessed went away with him. Now I will explore my qualities.)
Starring Tripti Dimri in the title role, Qala is touted as a heart-breaking story of a daughter who craves her mother's love. The Netflix movie is directed by Anvita Dutt.
WATCH |Babil Khan shares last pictures clicked by his father Irrfan