Mumbai:After delivering eye-catching and powerful performances across comedy, thriller and family genres, actor Ayushmann Khurrana's next release is a high-octane action flick titled An Action Hero. The 38-year-old actor is busy with the promotions of his next along with its director Anirudh Iyer. Following promotions for their upcoming flick, the two shared some insights into their film and also opened up on the Boycott Bollywood trend.
On the film's relatability with the 'boycott culture', Ayushmann said, "The plot of the film is based on this era and whatever we have seen in the last few years. Whatever has happened in the recent past or is happening now has also been portrayed well in the film. You will surely get a glimpse of it in the film. Be it a targeted online campaign against a star or how vulnerable a superstar could be, you will find it all in this film. The film, in a nutshell, portrays how a society reacts to a star these days."
On the so-called boycott culture, which has taken a toll on some big-budget releases, including Aamir Khan-starrer Laal Singh Chaddha and Akshaye Kumar's Samrat Prithviraj, Iyer said, "What's happening is very evident but I would like to give an elaborate answer to this question. There are always two ways of looking at this -- repercussion and punishment. I feel that nobody deserves to be punished this way. It is wrong. There is a slight difference between these two viewpoints and I strongly believe that one should understand this difference."