Hyderabad: Lovebirds Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul wedding will take plate later this month. The couple will have a 3-day wedding with festivities spread between January 21 to 23. Athiya and Rahul are said to have an intimate yet grand wedding in Khandala, Maharashtra. With KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty, Bollywood will witness the first big wedding of 2023. While the couple and families from both sides have seemingly preferred to remain silent on Athiya-KL Rahul wedding rumours, reports are going rife that the couple will be exchanging vows later this month.
KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty wedding will be taking place at actor's father Suneil Shetty's sprawling Khandala bungalow. Wedding festivities will begin on January 21 while the couple will be tying the knot on January 23. The couple is planning to have a close-knit affair with family and close friends in attendance.
While there is no confirmation from Shetty or KL's family, reports suggest that the wedding invites have already been sent out to the guests who will be part of the intimate wedding. If reports are to be believed, the guest list includes cricket biggies like M S Dhoni, and Virat Kholi while from Bollywood, Jackie Shroff, Akshay Kumar, and Salman Khan are expected to attend Rahul-Athiya wedding in Khandala.