Mumbai: Streaming service Netflix on Friday announced its new series Kaala Paani, a survival drama that marks filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker's return to acting. Set in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the series is described as a "grounded story about the fight for survival and questions audiences on how far they would go to survive", a press release stated.
As an actor, Gowariker is best known for featuring alongside Shah Rukh Khan in television series Circus, Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa and Chamatkar. His most recent acting project was 2016 Marathi movie Ventilator. He made his directorial debut with 1993's Pehla Nasha and then directed critically-acclaimed and commercially successful movies such as Lagaan, Swades and Jodhaa Akbar.
Kaala Paani marks the second collaboration between Netflix and Posham Pa Pictures after the 2022 film Jaadugar. It comes from Sameer Saxena, who had directed Jaadugar. He serves as a showrunner and co-director on the project. Saxena said Kaala Paani explores a fresh and uncharted genre in Indian storytelling.