Mumbai: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan dropped a special birthday wish for her daughter Aaradhya, who turns 11 today. Taking to her Instagram handle, the Devdas actor shared an adorable picture of herself with her daughter.
In the picture, the 'Ponniyin Selvan: I' actor was seen planting a kiss at Aaradhya. Alongside the picture, she penned a sweet note. Aishwarya wrote, "MY LOVE... MY LIFE... I LOVE YOU, MY AARADHYA."
Aishwarya and AarAdhya give us major mother-daughter goals. The actor is most stylish and a doting mother and there is no doubt as her Instagram is full of her daughter's pictures from several occasions. Be it a family get-together, a red carpet event or even a film shoot, she loves being accompanied by Aaradhya.