Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal on Thursday took to his social media handle and dropped a post to share that his daughter Myra Rampal, a budding model, recently walked the runway at India Couture Week. The "proud" father shared a video showing glimpses of his "little princess" from the fashion week.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Arjun wrote in the caption, "So so proud of my little, @myra_rampal who's currently killing it on the runway @fdciofficial #coutureweek." He also attached a red heart emoji at the end of the caption. Reacting to the video, Arjun's girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades dropped a clapping emoticon to his post.
An Instagram user wrote, "Like father like daughter. How gorgeous is Myru!" Another user wrote, "She looks like her mom !!! So beautiful and elegant." One more user wrote, "Sweet girl..looks like her mom (and added a heart eyes emoji). A fan commented, "Wow.. she’s evolving so fast and so well." Another commented, "She's a complete artist!!!!! She can do it all, from painting to modeling. You raised a wonderful girl."