Mumbai (Maharashtra):Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who has struggled with obesity since childhood, on his 15th month on the road to fitness has said that he is proud of this journey. Arjun took to Instagram, where he shared a before and after picture. The latest photograph shows the actor flaunting his perfect abs and well-chiselled body in a mirror selfie.
The actor, who is dating diva Malaika Arora, wrote alongside the images: "15 months of being #workinprogress! Felt cute and definitly won't delete later because I'm immense proud of this journey. Feb 2021 to May 2022 - it's been a tough one and I'm only glad that I could stay on track."
"Must admit that it was very tough to stay on course, it still is , but I'm loving that state of mind that I'm in for these past 15 months. I hope it stays the same. My #mondaymotivation is now me and not others on the gram themselves. It's been a while since I have felt this way!! This is who I am (chest hair included)," he added.