Mumbai:The makers of Satyaprem Ki Katha unveiled the recreated song Pasoori Nu from Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani's upcoming starrer on Monday morning. Arijit Singh has lent his voice to the recreated version of the hit Pakistani track of the same name Pasoori. However, the new version has garnered mixed reviews.
Sharing the song on his Instagram handle, Kartik wrote: Half of my heart.. May it be complete with you🤍Feel The Magic of Love with Arijit’s Midas Touch 🤍#PasooriNu Song Out Now #SatyaPremKiKatha THIS WEEK #29thJUNE #SajidNadiadwala." The post became instantly viral with musicophiles excited to hear the Bollywood version of the hit Pakistani song.
However, much to the maker's surprise, the song divided the internet. many liked Arijit's voice, but there were others who felt the original song was better. Appreciating Arijit, a social media user wrote: "Kartik+Arijit = Blockbuster Hit." Another fan wrote: "This Song, This Picturization & them as a Reel Couple."
On the other hand, a not-so-impressed user wrote: "I love you both but you guys ruined the original Pasoori my dudessss. It was perfect the way it was!" Another critic commented: "Ruined the song and lyrics. Not everyone even arjit cant copy Thier tune and style 😓 Worst experiment ever by Bollywood."
Tulsi Kumar has crooned the female vocals for the Bollywood version. Originally sung by Ali Sethi and Shae Gill, Pasoori was the most-searched song on Google in 2022. The song Pasoori Nu from the upcoming Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani-starrer Satyaprem Ki Katha takes a romantic route unlike its original counterpart - the hit Pakistani song Pasoori from Coke Studio season 14.
While the original Pakistani song was catchy with an innovative orchestration, the Indian counterpart softens the blow as it makes radical changes in the programming. (With agency inputs)
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