Hyderabad: Bollywood couple Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad are one of the most talked-about pairs in the industry. They were first spotted together during a dinner date the previous year, and their relationship was later made public at Karan Johar's 50th birthday celebration. The two have been spotted together multiple times in public, heightening intrigue in their romance. Recently, the couple was seen vacationing in Argentina, further piqueing the interest of their fans and the media. In light of the ongoing interest and scrutiny surrounding their relationship, Saba has finally decided to express her opinion.
In a recent interview with a newswire, Saba Azad opened up about her thoughts on the ongoing speculations about her personal life. Although she admitted that persistent rumours about someone's love life could be disturbing, she emphasized her commitment to her job. She stated that she does not let the rumours bother her. For her, the only part of her life that she is happy to be public about is her work. "Anything else is nobody's business," she said. This assertion demonstrates her steadfast determination to keep her attention on her career and resist being swayed by outside viewpoints.